The days are warm and sunny, the kids are home from school and friends are visiting from out of town. Summer vacation is in full swing, so why not get outside and play a game of pickup soccer at a local park? This is a great opportunity to get some fresh air, exercise and engage in a little friendly competition with your friends. But if traditional soccer isn’t your cup of tea, we’ve got a fun, exciting alternative for you try as well!
It’s called Bubble Ball Soccer, and it’s taking the country by storm.
In this popular new soccer game, players wear giant inflatable balls that allow them to bump, bounce and roll their way across the field. This unique style of play makes for a lot of laughs and some truly memorable moments that you simply won’t find in other soccer matches. All you have to do is strap yourself into the inflatable bubble ball and start playing!
Thanks to their padded harnesses and cushioned inflatable design, these bubble balls are safe and fun for people of all ages. As soon as you get knocked down, you can bounce right back and get back in the game in your bubble ball. It might not be the most graceful sport, but it sure is a lot of fun to play!
Right now, we’re offering special pricing on bubble ball rentals to give our customers a chance to try this exciting new sport. Give us a call today at our toll-free number to learn more.